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Art Competition

Belonging – Place and Home

Congratuations to the Winners of our Bundanoon Winterfest Art Competition. We were overwhelmed by the number and quality of the entries - there are so many talented artists living in our communities.

Judges vote:

Adult Open; Wayne Davis -- "River Red Gum"

Youth Open: Poppy Carter -- "New York"

Children: Maddie Kimber -- "Edgar"

Public Vote:

Adult Open: Lindi Masson -- "Who belongs to Who"
Youth Open: Emma Masson -- "Bundanoon Gully"

Children: Molly Masson -- "Telopea - our home"

Thank you also to our Bundanoon Winterfest Art Competition Committee - Josphine and David Le Cheminant; Andy Carnahan and Jonathan Melrose-Rae. Thank you to our guest judge - Megan Morgan from Ngunuggula Gallery Bowral. Special thanks to Steve and Amie Press from the Bundanoon Club.

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